The Korean War
The Korean War, the so-called “Forgotten War,” lasted from 1950 to 1953, ending in an armistice and dividing Korea in two along the 39th parallel. 24,000 soldiers from Kentucky fought in this war, many of whom were from Boone County. Back home, the community rallied for the cause, having numerous blood drives through the Red Cross. Different organizations made boxes to send to servicemen in Korea, like the Mt. Zion Homemakers on June 4, 1953. In May 1952, the American Legion Auxiliary in Boone County also sold poppies for “Poppy Day,” in honor of those wounded or killed in the war. The Boone County Recorder also has articles from this time reminding families to send their holiday parcels by a deadline in November to make sure they would arrive overseas in December. When soldiers returned home, there were various education opportunities, not only at colleges with the GI bill, but also for farm training and automobile training, which were published in the newspapers.
The Boone County Recorder also includes the story of a "quiet wedding" between Marjory Schadler and Reynold Todtenbier, who were married in Lawrenceburg, Indiana. Schadler had graduated from Miami University in Ohio and was working as a stenographer at a law firm at the time. Todtenbier, who was nicknamed “Tote,” had been a star athlete at Lloyd High School and Burlington High School before he joined the army in 1950. He took that experience with him, managing a basketball team in the 3d QM Company in Korea, according to the Recorder (1/22/1953). In contrast to their "quiet" wedding, Belva Ann Engle of Bullittsville and Seth Shumate were married on television on the program Bride and Groom in May 1953.