Rabbit Hash World War II Veterans' Memorial (Rabbit Hash, Ky.)


Rabbit Hash World War II Veterans' Memorial (Rabbit Hash, Ky.)
Historic Status: National Register of Historic Places--Rabbit Hash District
Floor Plan: N/A
Rectangular in shape, this war memorial stands approximately eight feet tall and four feet wide. It is built of wood patriotically painted red, white and blue. The names of 30 veterans of the Carlton district are displayed in tiny plaques arrayed in a “V” shape. The monument is supported by two wooden posts which are surrounded by a rock-lined floral planting and a small picket fence.
Listed veterans: James S. Smith, Vincent L. Ryle, Melborne Louden, Martin Williamson, Cliff Stephens, Ocie Williamson, Howard Ryle, Dale D. Williamson, Cecil Stephens, Lee Trapp, Edgar C. Clore, Benjamin Stephens, James W. Smith, Orville Hodges, William W. Aylor, Herschel West, W. J. Craig, Herman Buckler, William Smith, Wilford Hodges, Paul L. Clore, Ira Stephens, George Cook, Howard Smith, Hansel Williamson, William Presser, Jack Rector, Robt. Sullivan, Leroy McNeely, Wallace Dameron
Has beginning
Construction Date: 1945
Kentucky Historic Resources Inventory designation: BE 1196
Full address
Lower River Road
Political division
Rabbit Hash (Ky.)
Target coordinates
689478.232 m
4323746.780 m