Scales, Noah


Scales, Noah
Seales, Noah
According to his World War I draft registration, Noah was of medium height with a stout build.
When he enlisted in the army, Noah was initially sent to Virginia. He left Newport News, VA aboard the President Grant, which departed for Hoboken, NJ on December 26, 1917.
Noah returned home from World War I aboard the USS Panaman, which left St. Nazaire, France on July 8, 1919. The ship arrived in New York City on July 19, 1919.
He was living on 6th Street in Cincinnati at the time he was admitted to the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers in Dayton, Ohio. He died at the home in 1939, and was buried in the attached cemetery.
Scales family
Birth date
15 Mar 1885
Place of birth
Burlington (Ky.)
Scales, Frank
Utz, Maria
Life event(s)
Marriage: after 1919; location unknown
unknown, Louise
Death date
8 Mar 1939
Place of death
National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers. Central Branch
Dayton (Ohio)
Death and burial information
Cause of death: Arteriosclerotic heart
Dayton National Cemetery (Dayton, Ohio)
Military service
Co. H, 303 Stev. Regiment, Infantry, U.S. Army
United States of America
Held rank
Private, 1st Class
Place of enlistment
Camp Zachary Taylor (Ky.)
Service began
13 Nov 1917
Service ended
28 Jul 1919
Next of kin
Scales, Maria; his mother (1919)
Utz, Maria
Scales, Louise; his wife (1939)
Bibliographic citation(s)
US, Army WWI Transport Service, Passenger Lists, 1918-1919, pages 212, 269, memorial #1154695

Linked resources

Items with "Child(ren): Scales, Noah"
Title Class
Scales, Frank Person
Utz, Maria Person