Garnett, Jeremiah


Garnett, Jeremiah
Garnett, Jermiah
Jeremiah Garnett appears in the Boone County, Kentucky 1820 census with three known enslaved. The 1830 Boone County, Kentucky census shows him with 23 known enslaved. The 1840 census shows Jeremiah with twenty-two enslaved. In 1850 Jeremiah is living in District 1, Carroll, Kentucky with wife Sophia. His occupation is trader.
Birth date
circa 1793
Garnett, Robert
Cochrane, Rhoda
Life event(s)
Marriage: 20 Sep 1838; Boone County (Ky.)
Boone County (Ky.)
Graves, Sophia
Known enslaved: Daniel [7]; Andrew [2]; unknown, Belfield; unknown, Beverly [1]; unknown, child [32]; unknown, Clay; unknown, Dinah [4], unknown, Edward; unknown, Fanny [11]; unknown, Jacob [6], unknown, Jane [12]; unknown, King [1]; unknown, Mariah [2]; unknown, Mary [18]; unknown, Oliver [1]; unknown, Rial
unknown, Daniel [7]
unknown, Andrew [2]
unknown, Belfield
unknown, Beverly [1]
unknown, child [32]
unknown, Clay
unknown, Dinah [4]
unknown, Edward [1]
unknown, Fanny [11]
unknown, Jacob [6]
unknown, Jane [12]
unknown, King [1]
unknown, Mariah [2]
unknown, Mary [18]
unknown, Oliver [1]
unknown, Rial
Enslaved held in 1830; Males, under 10, five; Males, 10 thru 23, seven; Males, 55 thru 99, one; Females, under 10, four; Females, 10 thru 23, four; Females, 24 thru 35, one; Females, 36 thru 54, one
Enslaved held in 1840; Males, under 10, three; Males, 10 thru 23, two; Males, 24 thru 35, two; Males, 55 thru 99, one; Females, under 10, ten; Females, 10 thru 23, one; Females, 24 thru 35, one; Females, 36 thru 54, two

Linked resources

Items with "Relationship: Garnett, Jeremiah"
Title Class
unknown, Andrew [2] Person
unknown, Belfield Person
unknown, Beverly [1] Person
unknown, child [32] Person
unknown, Clay Person
unknown, Daniel [7] Person
unknown, Dinah [4] Person
unknown, Edward [1] Person
unknown, Fanny [11] Person
unknown, Jacob [6] Person
unknown, Jane [12] Person
unknown, King [1] Person
unknown, Mariah [2] Person
unknown, Mary [18] Person
unknown, Oliver [1] Person
unknown, Rial Person