Marshall, Alexander


Marshall, Alexander
Marshal, Alexander
Marshal, Alexr
The 1820 Boone County, Kentucky census shows Alexander Marshall with six knoown enslaved. The 1830 Boone County, Kentucky census shows Alexander Marshall with 10 known enslaved. The 1840 Boone County, Kentucky census shows Alexander Marshall with seventeen known enslaved.
Birth date
Marshall, Vincent
Marshall, Susannah [1]
Marshall, James M.
Marshall, William
Kyle, Nancy Marshall
Marshall, Sebastian
Death date
5 Mar 1844
Known enslaved: unknown, Almeda [2]; unknown, Amanda [4]; unknown, Daniel [11]; unknown, Dinah [3]; unknown, Elias [1]; unknown, George [14]; unknown, George [43]; unknown, Jacob [5]; unknown, James [7]; unknown, Jane [10]; unknown, John [17]; unknown, Lot; unknown, Lucy [23]; unknown, unknown [1]
unknown, Almeda [2]
unknown, Amanda [4]
unknown, Daniel [11]
unknown, Dinah [3]
unknown, Elias [1]
unknown, George [14]
unknown, George [43]
unknown, Jacob [5]
unknown, James [7]
unknown, Jane [10]
unknown, John [17]
unknown, Lot [1]
unknown, Lucy [23]
unknown, unknown [1]
Enslaved held in 1830; Males, under 10, three; Males, 10 thru 23, two; Females, under 10, two; Females, 24 thru 35, two; Females, 36 thru 54, one
Enslaved held in 1840; Males, under 10, three; Males, 10 to 23, seven; Females, under 10, three; Females, 10 thru 23, one; Females, 24 thru 35, two; Females, 55 thru 99, one
Bibliographic citation(s)
Boone County Will Book D, pages 419, 475, memorial #75310670

Linked resources

Items with "Participant: Marshall, Alexander"
Title Class
1843--Unnamed Enslaved Escapes the Marshalls Event
1845--George Marshall Escape Event
Items with "Relationship: Marshall, Alexander"
Title Class
unknown, Almeda [2] Person
unknown, Amanda [4] Person
unknown, Daniel [11] Person
unknown, Dinah [3] Person
unknown, Elias [1] Person
unknown, George [14] Person
unknown, George [43] Person
unknown, Jacob [5] Person
unknown, James [7] Person
unknown, Jane [10] Person
unknown, John [17] Person
unknown, Lot [1] Person
unknown, Lucy [23] Person
unknown, unknown [1] Person
Items with "Father: Marshall, Alexander"
Title Class
Marshall, James M. Person
Marshall, Sebastian Person
Marshall, Susannah [1] Person
Marshall, Vincent Person