Fourteenth Census of the United States, 1920


Fourteenth Census of the United States, 1920
1920 United States Federal Census
Government Printing Office
Publisher Operations, Inc
Provo, UT
Temporal coverage
From, "This database is an every name index to individuals enumerated in the 1920 United States Federal Census, the Fourteenth Census of the United States. In addition, the names of those listed on the population schedule are linked to actual images of the 1920 Federal Census, copied from the National Archives and Records Administration microfilm, T625, 2,076 rolls. (If you do not initially find the name on the page that you are linked to, try a few pages forward or backward, as sometimes different pages had the same page number.)
This new index (released 2005) maintains the old head of household index and adds to it a new every name index (including a re-keying of the heads of households). As a result, for many heads of households you will see two names - a primary, and an alternate. The primary name is the newly keyed name. The alternate name is the name as it appeared in the original head of household only index. Alternate names are only displayed when there is a difference in the way the name was keyed between the two indexes. By making both names available to researchers, the likelihood of your being able to find your head of household ancestor has increased. Likewise, researchers who were once able to find their head of household ancestor under a particular spelling will still be able to easily find that ancestor.

What Areas are Included:

The 1920 census includes all fifty U.S. states and territories, as well as Military and Naval Forces, the Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, and for the first time American Samoa, Guam, and the Panama Canal Zone.

Why Census Records are Important:

Few, if any, records reveal as many details about individuals and families as do the U.S. federal censuses. The population schedules are successive "snapshots" of Americans that depict where and how they were living at particular periods in the past. Because of this, the census is often the best starting point for genealogical research after home sources have been exhausted."
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Items with "Source(s): Fourteenth Census of the United States, 1920"
Title Class
Churchman, India Belle Person
Churchman, Laura Alice Person
Clarkson, Thomas Samuel Person
Clay, William Person
Coleman, Leslie Person
Coleman, Nelson Person
Collins, Amanda Person
Collins, Clarence C. Person
Collins, Ella Person
Collins, George W. Person
Collins, Isabelle Person
Collins, Josephine Person
Colsher, William H. Person
Cooper, Tessibel Ann Person
Cooper, William Thomas Person
Corbin, George William Person
Corbin, Melvin Wesley Person
Corbin, Sherman Eugene Person
Corbin, Walter Person
Corbin, Walter Wesley Person
Corbin, Wylie B. Person
Corneal, Marie Person
Couzzins, Thomas J. Churchman Person
Cowen, Lewis C. Person
Craig, Eva Person