Dinsmoor, James


Dinsmoor, James
Dinsmore, James
"Born in New Hampshire to John and Susannah Dinsmore, James moved to Natchez, Mississippi, following his graduation from Dartmouth. In 1828, he purchased half a sugar cane and cotton plantation in Terrebonne Parish, Louisiana. One year later, at the advanced age of thirty-eight, he traveled to Burlington, New Jersey, to marry Martha Macomb. The sale of the plantation and aportion of the enslaved people who worked in the fields in 1842, allowed James to move to Kentucky where he began raising grapes and sheep on his "Arcadian" farm near his Uncle Silas. His interests were vast as one can see from his library in the main house. He died in 1872 and was buried on Christmas Eve." --Cathy Callopy
Birth date
24 Aug 1790
Place of birth
Windham (N.H.)
Dinsmoor, John
Bell, Susanna
Life event(s)
Marriage: 1829; Burlington (N.J.)
Death date
21 Dec 1872
Place of death
Boone County (Ky.)
Death and burial information
Dinsmore Cemetery (Boone County, Ky.)
Known enslaved: Hawkins, Eliza; Hawkins, Jilson; McGruder, Nancy; Sanders, Isaac; Simpson, Ellen Hawkins; Taylor, Adam; Taylor, Amanda; Taylor, Angeline; Taylor, Daniel; Taylor, David; Taylor, Henry; Taylor, Jane; Taylor, Judy; unknown, Ann [2]; unknown, Annie [1]; unknown, Coah; unknown, Jim [5]; unknown, John [26]; unknown, Winny [3]
Hawkins, Eliza
Hawkins, Jilson
Mcgruder, Nancy
Sanders, Isaac
Simpson, Ellen Hawkins
Taylor, Adam
Taylor, Amanda
Taylor, Angeline
Taylor, Daniel
Taylor, David
Taylor, Henry [1]
Taylor, Jane
Taylor, Judy
unknown, Ann [2]
unknown, Annie [1]
unknown, Coah
unknown, Jim [5]
unknown, John [26]
unknown, Winny [3]
Enslaved held in 1850: Male, 58 years old, black; Female, 42 years old, black; Female, 40 years old, black; Male, 19 years old, black; Male, 14 years old, black; Male, 16 years old, black; Female, 14 years old, black; Female, 11 years old, black; Male, 8 years old, black
Enslaved held in 1860: Female, 23 years old, black; Male, 25 years old, mulatto; Female, 45 years old, black; Female, 50 years old, black; Male, 68 years old, black; Male, 17 years old, black; Female, 20 years old, black

Linked resources

Items with "Participant: Dinsmoor, James"
Title Class
1865--Escape of Nancy Mcgruder Event
1865--Four Escape from Dinsmore Farm Event
Items with "Relationship: Dinsmoor, James"
Title Class
Hawkins, Eliza Person
Hawkins, Jilson Person
Mcgruder, Nancy Person
Sanders, Isaac Person
Simpson, Ellen Hawkins Person
Simpson, Phoebe Person
Taylor, Adam Person
Taylor, Amanda Person
Taylor, Angeline Person
Taylor, Daniel Person
Taylor, David Person
Taylor, Henry [1] Person
Taylor, Jane Person
Taylor, Judy Person
Taylor, Nannette Person
Taylor, Sally Person
unknown, Ann [2] Person
unknown, Annie [1] Person
unknown, Coah Person
unknown, Jim [5] Person
unknown, John [26] Person
unknown, Winny [3] Person
Items with "Father: Dinsmoor, James"
Title Class
Dinsmore, Isabella Ramsay Person