Earl's Barber Shop Building (Burlington, Ky.)


Earl's Barber Shop Building (Burlington, Ky.)
Historic Status: National Register of Historic Places--Burlington District
This modest commercial building (circa 1930) was erected late in the period of significance for the Burlington Historic District. The main body of the building is of smooth-finished block, while the facade is articulated by rock-faced concrete block. The facade has two matching storefronts, each with a fixed window and a single door, no other embellishment.
There is also a single story garage addition (circa 1960) of wood construction at the rear. This garage has a gable roof, and it was built outside the period of significance for Burlington. --National Register Nomination
Has beginning
Construction Date: circa 1930
Kentucky Historic Resources Inventory designation: BE 1455
Full address
3020 Washington Street
Parent division/institution
Earl's Barber Shop
Political division
Burlington (Ky.)
Target coordinates
699224.644 m
4310909.832 m