Bethel Baptist Church Cemetery (Union, Ky.)


Bethel Baptist Church Cemetery (Union, Ky.)
Bethel Baptist Church was located on Frogtown Road near Union. The church was organized in July 1812. In 1818 Revolutionary War veteran Hugh Steers donated the land for a church building. The church died out in the late 1800s.
The cemetery register is included in the book: "Tombstone Inscriptions, Bethel Baptist Church Cemetery, Verona, Kentucky" by Fitzgerald, Fitzgerald, and Sexton
Slave holder or African American Burials: No
Full address
Frogtown Road, Union, KY 41091
Parent division/institution
Bethel Baptist Church (Union, Ky.)
Political division
Union (Ky.)
Target coordinates
702170.620 m
4312267.656 m

Linked resources

Items with "Related resource: Bethel Baptist Church Cemetery (Union, Ky.)"
Title Class
Bethel Baptist Church (Union, Ky.) Organization
Bethel Baptist Church Building (Union, Ky.) Location
Items with "Death and burial information: Bethel Baptist Church Cemetery (Union, Ky.)"
Title Class
Bass, Jackson Person