Finney, Jordan
unknown, George Ann
unknown, Emeline [2]
unknown, Fauny
Fauny was listed as a member of the Bullittsburg Baptist Church in 1840. She was dismissed in 1856.
unknown, George [26]
From an entry in the Bullittsbug Baptist Church records dated July 1840: "George, a man of color belonging to Mr. Morgan, restored to fellowship of the church."
unknown, female [20]
From the diary of Lewis Loder dated October 7,1860; "A gentleman and his lady here by the name of Mitchel who left a Black Girl with me for a week or two until he loads a flat boat at Aurora."
unknown, George [3]
George was received as a member of the Big Bone Baptist Church on December 25, 1843.
unknown, Francis [1]
Francis was listed as a member of the Bullittsburg Baptist Church in 1860.
unknown, Fella
Fella was listed as a member Bullittsburg Baptist Church in 1801.
unknown, Eliza [21]
Eliza was received by baptism into the Sand Run Baptist Church in December 1842.
unknown, Ginny [1]
Ginny was listed in the names of members of the Burlington Baptist Church prior to 1854.
unknown, Ellen [7]
unknown, George Washington [1]
Runaway ad: "Was committed to the jail of Copiah county on the 11th of March, 1844, a runaway who calls his name GEORGE WASHINGTON. He states that he belongs to a Mr. Gains (sic, ) a negro trader, and was brought from Boone County, Kentucky. The boy is about 24 years of age, six feet high and of a copper colour; speaks slow; had on a blanket coat with a fur collar, white linsey pants, &c. States that he left his master about 150 miles below Natchez, on the coast. The slaveholder is requested to take him out under the requisitions of the law. THOS HOLLIDAY, Sheriff of Copiah County."
unknown, Gerry [2]
Gerry was listed as a member of the Dry Creek Baptist Church. No date was given.
unknown, Eliza [27]
Eliza was listed as a member of the Dry Creek Baptist Church in church book II. No date was given.
unknown, Greenville
Poisoned by his mother Frances Graves in May 1865, along with his brother William Henry.
Graves, Frances
unknown, George [46]
unknown, Esther [6]
unknown, Elizabeth [14]
unknown, Elva [5]
unknown, female [25]
Described as "mulatto," she and another young woman escaped from a farmer by the name of Lodge in 1852.
unknown, female [24]
Described as "mulatto," she and another young woman escaped from a farmer by the name of Lodge in 1852.
unknown, Georgeanne
Georgeanne was listed as "mulatto" in her death record. She succumbed to pneumonia after a three-day illness.
unknown, Fanny [3]
Fanny was received as a member of the Big Bone Baptist Church on November 4, 1849.