Cave, Jeremiah
Clore, Ephraim
Ephraim and his family relocated to Boone County, Ky, sometime between the 1820 and 1830 censuses.
Clarkson, Peter
Calvert, Willis
Colquohoun, James
James Colquohoun was a Scotsman. He owned a salt works at Big Bone Lick until about 1812.
Cloudas, Pitman
Pitman Cloudas was born in Virginia around 1789 or 1790. He moved to Kentucky around 1810 or 1811. On 11 July 1811 he married Eleanor Rayburn in Franklin County. After Eleanor's death, he married Joice Faulconer on 18 May 1826.
Cornelius, George
Barton, Lucy
Barton, Eleanor
Cave, William [2]
White, Lucy
Lucy (White) Cave's husband, John Cave, dies of scarlett fever in 1859. The 1860 Boone County (Ky.) census shows her as the head of her household, shared with her 17 year old son, John.
Cave, John [2]
The 1840 Boone County (Ky.) census shows that John Cave held four enslaved people. The 1850 census lists his occupation as that of a clerk. John Cave's death record states that he died at the age of 59 of scarlett fever.
Crigler, Napolean
Cook, Thomas A.
Conrad, Isaac
Conner, Fischer
Comer, Lucian
Coleman, John
Kentucky birth records indicate that a "black" child was born on November 1, 1856 with a listed father or slaveholder of John Coleman in Boone County (Ky.).
Clinkenbeard, B.
Cirrode, Jane
Campfield, Lodick
Calvert, John
Cave, Hannah
Hannah Cave Parker married Richard Parker Sr. in Orange County (Va) in 1780. They moved their household to Boone County (Ky.) sometime after that. Richard Parker Sr. dies in 1806, and Hannah Cave Parker appears as the head of household in the 1810-1830 Boone County (Ky.) censuses.
Flournoy, Francis
Francis Flournoy lived in Pendleton County (Ky.) near the fork of the licking river. He appears in the 1810 census in Pendleton holding 16 enslaved people. in the 1820 census his household is in Fayette County holding 13 enslaved people.
Dudgeon, Sophia