George Vest House (Verona, Ky.)


George Vest House (Verona, Ky.)
Alternate name
Scott Smith House (Verona, Ky.)
Historic Status: National Register of Historic Places
Floor Plan: Center Passage Single
The George-Vest House is one of the most stylish and best-preserved Greek Revival buildings in Boone County. Originally constructed circa 1840, it is a five-bay I-house of brick construction, featuring a central entrance with distinctive six-panel door, five-light transom sash and both glazed and blind panel sidelights. Windows employ 9/6 or 6/6 lights.
During a 1931 remodeling the walls were stuccoed, a beaded fascia board and flat rafter tails were applied, and a three-bay open porch was added. The interior boasts some of the county’s most elaborate and sophisticated Grecian woodwork, including tall paneled pilasters that support full pedimented entablatures.
The significance of the farmstead is enhanced by an original stone cellar, a 20th century gambrel dairy barn and two silos.
The house was added to the National Register in 2000.
Has beginning
Construction Date: 1840
Kentucky Historic Resources Inventory designation: BE 226
National Register reference number: 913
National Archives identifier: 123845614
Full address
13815 Walton-Verona Road
Political division
Verona (Ky.)
Target coordinates
684216.758 m
4326646.789 m
Bibliographic citation
Historic Structures of Boone County, page 79

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Items with "Related resource: George Vest House (Verona, Ky.)"
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Vest, George Person
Vest, Thomas Sr. Person
Items with "Has site: George Vest House (Verona, Ky.)"
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Vest family Organization