1827 - Madison Co., Three Men, Two Women and Two Infants Flee Bondage


1827 - Madison Co., Three Men, Two Women and Two Infants Flee Bondage
27 Oct 1827
Formatted date
Event type
On October 27, 1827 a group of freedom seekers escaped from four Madison County slaveholders. The group consisted of George and his wife Milly and their three-month-old twins; Ben and his wife Hannah, who was pregnant and another man named George. $250 was offered for the group or $50 a piece for the adults individually.
African Americans: unknown, George; unknown, Milly; unknown, child; unknown, child; unknown, Ben; unknown, Hannah; unknown, George
unknown, George [61]
unknown, Milly [22]
unknown, female [115]
unknown, male [83]
unknown, Ben [29]
unknown, Hannah [23]
unknown, George [62]
Kentucky Reporter, Lexington, Ky., Nov 11, 1827, https://www.genealogybank.com/

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Items with "Participant in: 1827 - Madison Co., Three Men, Two Women and Two Infants Flee Bondage"
Title Class
unknown, Ben [29] Person
unknown, female [115] Person
unknown, George [61] Person
unknown, George [62] Person
unknown, Hannah [23] Person
unknown, male [83] Person
unknown, Milly [22] Person