Hogan, Sarah


Hogan, Sarah
Hogan, Sally
Parker, Sally
Birth date
16 Mar 1808
Place of birth
Boone County (Ky.)
Haynes, Lucy
Life event(s)
Marriage: 17 Mar 1831; Boone County (Ky.)
Boone County (Ky.)
Death date
19 Nov 1854
Place of death
Boone County (Ky.)
Death and burial information
Terrill Cemetery (Boone County, Ky.)
Bibliographic citation(s)
FindAGrave.com, memorial #157558480

Linked resources

Items with "Relationship: Hogan, Sarah"
Title Class
unknown, Walker [3] Person
Items with "Mother: Hogan, Sarah"
Title Class
Parker, Arthur Boyd Person
Parker, Elijah Person
Parker, Elizabeth [2] Person
Parker, James Daniel Person
Parker, Louisa Person
Parker, Lucy Person
Parker, Richard, III Person
Parker, Tudor [2] Person
Items with "Child(ren): Hogan, Sarah"
Title Class
Hogan, Elijah [1] Person
Items with "Spouse(s): Hogan, Sarah"
Title Class
Parker, Richard, Jr. Person